welcome to the unofficial Peavey PC1600™ & PC1600x™ user page

this site serves as a repository for patches, tips and techniques for these excellent machines...

pc1600 & pc1600x editors, librarians, etc...
PvC, the pc1600 and pc1600x virtual controller (PC) The original website is no longer active - this link is to an archived version of the site from March 2007. Also, the author of PvC, Kris Rhen, has given permission for a copy of his software to be distributed for free - see this archived forum post, and this one too. Also here's the software to download.
PC1600x editor by pete kvitek (PC)
PC1600v editor and emulator (Mac OS X)
JSynthLib librarian (other device support too, Multi-platform).The original website linked to above seems to have been hijacked. But the Internet Archive WayBackMachine seems to have an archive from the late 2000's with a link to the download, to screenshots, to documentation, and to devices supported). I also now see that there's a SourceForge page for it.

pc1600 patches (in *theory*, upward compatible with pc1600x)
gear author download comments
boss rv-70 effects jasper de jong 1600rv70.mid [3k] description
cubase vst 4.1(mac)/3.7(pc) mixer diemo schwarz 1600cubase4.zip [12k] description
ensoniq asrx soundengine.com 1600asrx.zip [2k] description
ensoniq fizmo soundengine.com 1600fizmo.zip [2k] description
factory patches peavey peavey ftp site
korg dw-8000 synth jasper de jong 1600dw8000.mid [3k] description
logic es-1 thomas strunden 1600logices1.zip [3k] description
logic faders ab wilson 1600_logic.zip [3k] description
oberheim expander soundengine.com 1600xpander.zip [2k] description
oberheim matrix 6/6r/1000 synths tony cappellini 1600matrix6.zip [9k] description
oberheim matrix 6/6r/1000 synths godric wilkie 1600m6m1000.zip [5k] description
rebirth 1.5 (all functions) dan salomon 1600rebirth.sit [4k] description
roland d-50 soundengine.com 1600d50.zip [3k] description
roland mks-50 synth jasper de jong 1600mks50.mid [2k]
roland jx8p synth diemo schwarz 1600jx8p.zip [12k] description
soundblaster awe 32 michael lumb 1600awe32.zip [28k] description
suzuki sx-500 synth jasper de jong 1600sx500.mid [2k]
waldorf microwave synth dan nigrin 1600uwave.mid [1k] description
waldorf microwave synth curt nolte 1600uwave2.zip [2k] description
yamaha cbx gernot pfeiffer 1600yamaha_cbx.zip [5k] description
yamaha dx7/tx802 synths godric wilkie 1600dxtx.sit [6k] description
yamaha fs1r soundengine.com 1600fs1r.zip [2k] description
yamaha tg77,sy77 and sy99 francis parsons PC16SYED.ZIP [12k] description
yamaha tx81z synth jasper de jong 1600tx81z.mid [4k] description
yamaha tx81z synth godric wilkie 1600tx81z.sit [5k] description
yamaha vl70m synth godric wilkie 1600vl70m.sit [4k] description

pc1600x patches (for the most part downward compatible with pc1600 - read details about this here )
gear author download comments
axs 2.2 software synth jay vaughan 1600x_AXS_Synth.zip [3k] description
cakewalk bob carozzoni 1600x_cakewalk.sit [20k] description
creamware pulsar (various devices) joris de keersmaecker 1600x_Pulsar.zip [8k] description
creamware pulsar (various devices) #2 joris de keersmaecker 1600x_Pulsar_24presets.zip [7k] description
creamware pulsar mixer joris de keersmaecker 1600x-PulsarMixer-v1.2.zip [4k] description
cubase vst 3.5 mixer dan nigrin 1600xcubasemixer.mid [1k] description associated cubase mixermap
cubase vst 5.0 remote gilbert poliquin 1600x_VST5.0Remote.zip [57k] description
cubase vst 5.0 remote v2 gilbert poliquin 1600x_VST5.0Remote_v2.zip [96k] description
cubase vst 5.0 remote pieter vincenten 1600x_Cubase5remote.zip [6k] description
dave smith instruments evolver v2 & v3 dave w EvolverPC1600x2_3.zip [28k] description
dsp-fx 6.2 gilbert poliquin 1600x_Dspfx6_2.zip [8k] description
emu e4xt (and related) lee jackson 1600xemue4xt.zip [4k] description
emu morpheus synth godric wilkie 1600x_morpheus.sit [11k] description
emu proteus synth godric wilkie 1600x_proteus.sit [7k] description
factory patches peavey peavey ftp site
garritan personal orchestra pieter v/d wal GarritanPersonalOrchestra.zip [2k] description
gigastudio faders drew cady 1600x_gigafaders.syx [1k] description
kawai k4 ruediger fuchs 1600x_Kawai_K4.zip [1k] description
kawai k5000 "macro controller" atom smasher 1600xk5000cro.mid [1k] description
kawai k5000 - complete set terry leigh britton 1600x_K5000_full.zip [54k] description
koblo studio 9000 synths mark camp 1600x_Koblo.mid [3k] description
korg r3 jo vandeweghe 1600x_Korg_R3.zip[3k] description
kurzweil k2500r & k2500rs lee jackson K251600X.ZIP [1k] description
lexicon lxp1 karl mousseau 1600xLxp1.syx [1k] description
lexicon lxp5 terry leigh britton 1600x_lxp5.zip [7k] description
line 6 pod amp simulator gilbert poliquin 1600x_pod.zip [24k] description
logic 5.51 marc deruiter 1600x_Logic_5.51.zip [169k] description
native instruments pro 5 caesar@ace.ulyssis.org 1600x_pro5.zip [1k] description
native instruments pro 52 v2.2 gilbert poliquin 1600x_Pro-52.zip [k] description
native instruments reaktor pekka immonen 1600x_NI_Reaktor.zip [4k] description
native instruments spectral delay carty fox 1600x_spektral.sit [3k] description
oberheim matrix 6/6r/1000 godric wilkie 1600x_m6m1000.zip [11k] description
ppd tritium bassline vsti ruediger fuchs 1600x_Tritium.zip [28k] description
ppg 2.3 rob williams 1600xppg23.SYX [1k] description
rebirth 1.5 303 synths dan nigrin 1600xrebirth.mid [1k] description associated cubase mixermap
rebirth 2.0 joris de keersmaecker 1600x_Rebirth presets.zip [4k] description
roland d-110 godric wilkie 1600x_d110.sit [8k] description
roland jx-8p evan long 1600x_PC-8P.zip [4k]
roland mc-303 ruediger fuchs 1600x_MC_303.zip [1k] description
roland mc-303 (bass) ruediger fuchs 1600x_MC303_Bass.zip [4k] description
roland mc-303 (bundle: bass, drums, demos) ruediger fuchs 1600x_MC303_Bundle.zip [12k] description
roland mc-303 (drums) ruediger fuchs 1600x_MC303_Drums.zip [2k] description
roland mks-7 michael c 1600x_mks7.zip [2k] description
roland mks-50 karl mousseau 1600xmks50.zip [2k] description
roland mks-80 francis parsons 1600xMKS80ED.ZIP [6k] description
soundfont 2.1 ruediger fuchs 1600x_Soundfont_2_1.zip [2k] description
steinberg model-e gilbert poliquin 1600x_ModelE.zip [8k] description
waldorf microwave dan nigrin 1600xuwave.mid [1k] description
waldorf pulse ruediger fuchs 1600x_Waldorf_Pulse.zip [4k] description
yamaha tg77,sy77 and sy99 francis parsons PC16xSYV2.ZIP [12k] description
yamaha tx/dx frequency parameters karl mousseau 1600xTxfreq.syx [1k] description
Having trouble using *.sit files? Decompress them with Stuffit Expander, available for Mac or PC for free from Aladdin Systems

tips & useful items


submitting your own patches, tips, etc.

For patches, just send me a note, and once I give you the OK, you can just attach it to me in an e-mail message. Please also have a text file ready that describes the mappings of the faders and/or buttons, and any other special features.

this web site designed and maintained by dan nigrin
it is not affiliated with peavey

these patches are not guaranteed to work - please contact the author of the patch if you find one that doesn't
last updated March 13, 2014.